Saturday, March 26, 2011

God's Grace: Wading, Swimming, or Abiding?

I Cor. 15:9-10a

"For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect."

Overwhelming, abundant grace...this is what has been saturating my spirit, coursing through my heart, and superseding all other thoughts these last few days.  In reflection, His grace has been evident during every season of my life...even when I was not called His.  God extends His hands of grace to every living being, even to those who are spiritually dead in His sight. His grace is what sustains each of us.  As long as we have breath in our lungs and blood pumping through our heart, we experience some degree of God's grace.

Just as Paul confessed in this Scripture, I, too, have persecuted the church of God.  Before I came to a saving knowledge of Christ, I persecuted the church by the way I lived.  I set myself against the Living God because the gods I served were carnal pleasures, promiscuity, accomplishments, and the craving of man's approval.  God's grace permitted me to exist in my sin.  God's grace compelled me to confess Him as my Lord and Savior.  God's grace continues to grow me and increase my faith.  God's grace draws me into the depths of His love and His will. 

"But by the grace of God I am what I am..."

When I picture God's grace, I think of the ocean.  As an unbeliever, I dwelled on the hot, parched sands of the beach.  Have you tried to run in the sand? It is difficult and labored because your feet sink into the sand with each stride.  That was me...running and striving to make progress in the sands of sin but not getting far and moving very slow.  Then, something caused me to stop in my tracks and shift my focus.  I heard waves lapping up onto the shore.  Each wave came in to reach at me, then drew back as an invitation that whispered, "Come in."

I tentatively stepped towards the traces of where the waves reached...the wet sand refreshed my tired and scorched feet.  Successive waves lapped up to embrace my ankles for brief moments of relief.  This is where I remained for two years as God drew me to salvation.  The sands of sin - though appealing - became less and less a draw for me as I experienced more of God's grace.

Many of His children will reflect and find that they are wading in the shallows of God's grace and will.  I was in the shallows...for years.  Perhaps it is fear that prevents you from going deeper - fear of the depths, fear of the unknown, fear of what you cannot see or anticipate...fear of not being in control.  Maybe it's a refusal to wander too far from the sands of sin. Or it could be that you are comfortable in the shallows because it doesn't require much effort...doesn't oblige commitment.

God's Grace: Are you wading, swimming, or abiding?

Others of you will discover that you have moved out deeper, and you are swimming in His grace.  You know the joy of being able to experience more of His grace in ministry, in relationships, in life.  Even though you can still touch ground, the waves of His grace move and sway you like a bouy.  As the waves move toward the shore, they sway you some.  But, as the water moves back out to the depths, the pull of the undertow beckons.  You must stand your ground  - dig your toes in - to resist the resist being carried out to the deep.  This is where I found myself about six years ago.  God answered tenderly when I called out to Him one night, "Lord, what is the hold?  Why am I not experiencing more of You?  I know there is more!  What is it?"

 God's Grace:  Are you wading, swimming, or abiding?

"Let go, Tammy. Stop fighting the tide of My grace. Lay back and rest. I will carry you out to the depths. I will not let you sink...I will not let you drown. Rest in My Me." So, I did. You know what? He has not let me sink, and He has not let me drown. Yes, I have experienced storm waters that caused me to fear and occasionally doubt, but God has sustained and protected me through the storms and into the calm. In the depths of His grace and will are the greatest experiences of this growth journey. It is in the depths of His grace that we increase understanding of our Father. We discover an growing intimacy and familiarity with His voice and His ways. What a beautiful place to be where we cannot see land...but to look around and see only the waters of His grace.

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect." v. 10a

His grace is apportioned for very specific purposes.  A primary purpose is to bring us into salvation and to grow us in our faith. However, there is much, much more.  We were never meant to dwell in the shallows of salvation.  There is a desired effect (result) God has purposed His grace to work in each of us.  When we know the depths of His grace, we are compelled (and count it a joy) to share that grace with others.  Where are you in the ocean of God's grace?

Much Love and Devotion -- Tammy


  1. This was so beautiful . God's grace is what I am going to talk about at my next women's meeting .I couldn't believe this is what you have written on your page . I ran from the sands of sin a long time ago and drifted in the waves of grace for awhile but God is Carrying me farther out , sometimes I wish I could just float in the waves again but He has other plans for me so I am going with the tide ! Yeah ! Pray for me because it is a little scarey , the unknown that is , of my future . God gave me this handful of women to minister too and with , I hope I do him proud . If I get scared and float back to the shallows , I will find strenth through him to take me out with the tide once again . Pray for me and I for you ! Sharon

  2. = )

    I will certainly be praying, sister. He has called you, and He will equip you. Love on His girls, and you will not fail. Thanks for your prayers...
